TGT - The Grant Tour/Top Gear Talk

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Re: Top Gear talk

Příspěvek od Davcza »

Pravý klik na odkaz a uložit jako... pokud to nic nestáhne (např. v Opeře), otevřít odkaz a pak soubor/uložit jako
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Registrován: pon 09 led 15:47

Re: Top Gear talk

Příspěvek od stewiegriffin »

Britský televizní Top Gear zahájí již devatenáctou sérii vánočním speciálem, vysílaným na Boxing day, tj. u nás na Štěpána – 26. prosince.
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Re: Top Gear talk

Příspěvek od Snowman000 » ... ming-soon/
Season 19 of ‘Top Gear’ sees Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May engage in another collection of incredible adventures, absurd stunts and dream drives, ably assisted by their tame racing driver, The Stig.

In this series, the presenters use the Aston Martin Vanquish, SRT Viper and Lexus LFA for an incredible American road trip that takes in Las Vegas, Los Angeles and a race against some fighter planes before ending with a hair raising run to the Mexican border. The trio also create a unique car designed especially for old people, carry out one of Top Gear’s famously thorough road tests on the new Kia Cee’d and race a Shelby Mustang GT500 against a train in order to find the fastest way to get from Britain to Italy in time for a football match.

Also in this series, Jeremy invents the world’s smallest car and tests it out on the streets of London, James finds out what the Bentley Continental GT Speed is like on a rally stage, and Richard reaches eye popping speeds on the test track in the amazing, 720 horsepower Pagani Huayra.

There’s also one of Top Gear’s legendary epic journeys in which the presenters attempt to find the source of the River Nile using three rather tired estate cars and a sometimes sketchy knowledge of African geography. Along the way they encounter crocodile infested rivers, suspension snapping terrain and the world’s worst traffic jam. It’s the perfect conclusion to another brilliant series of Top Gear.
To Stewie: Odkial je ta info? Co viem tak TG ma zacat az v januari?! No rad sa budem mylit ;)
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Registrován: pon 07 úno 22:52

Re: Top Gear talk

Příspěvek od acer.t »

btw: v Praze by se měl otevřít ofiko Top Gear bar, podle neověřených informací tu byl v týdnu Jeremy Clarkson doladit detaily ;) ale zda je to pravda kdo ví... :D
Bond007 píše:
premyslel jsem co uprimneho napsat... vyslo mi - jste vazne kurvy ;-)
PJ o 1M:
Na rovinkách jako by se ji nelíbilo, do zatáček se ale pokládá ochotněji než dámy z E55 do postele.
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Re: Top Gear talk

Příspěvek od KFL »

acer.t píše:btw: v Praze by se měl otevřít ofiko Top Gear bar, podle neověřených informací tu byl v týdnu Jeremy Clarkson doladit detaily ;) ale zda je to pravda kdo ví... :D
Top Beer? :)
"Speed hasn't killed anyone. Sudden stopping, that's what gets you." - Jeremy Clarkson
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Registrován: pon 09 led 15:47

Re: Top Gear talk

Příspěvek od stewiegriffin »

Snowman000 píše: ... ming-soon/
Season 19 of ‘Top Gear’ sees Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May engage in another collection of incredible adventures, absurd stunts and dream drives, ably assisted by their tame racing driver, The Stig.

In this series, the presenters use the Aston Martin Vanquish, SRT Viper and Lexus LFA for an incredible American road trip that takes in Las Vegas, Los Angeles and a race against some fighter planes before ending with a hair raising run to the Mexican border. The trio also create a unique car designed especially for old people, carry out one of Top Gear’s famously thorough road tests on the new Kia Cee’d and race a Shelby Mustang GT500 against a train in order to find the fastest way to get from Britain to Italy in time for a football match.

Also in this series, Jeremy invents the world’s smallest car and tests it out on the streets of London, James finds out what the Bentley Continental GT Speed is like on a rally stage, and Richard reaches eye popping speeds on the test track in the amazing, 720 horsepower Pagani Huayra.

There’s also one of Top Gear’s legendary epic journeys in which the presenters attempt to find the source of the River Nile using three rather tired estate cars and a sometimes sketchy knowledge of African geography. Along the way they encounter crocodile infested rivers, suspension snapping terrain and the world’s worst traffic jam. It’s the perfect conclusion to another brilliant series of Top Gear.
To Stewie: Odkial je ta info? Co viem tak TG ma zacat az v januari?! No rad sa budem mylit ;)
Zde odkaz: ... na-stepana
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Re: Top Gear talk

Příspěvek od Snowman000 »

Dobre som si myslel...ziadny TG Xmas Special tento rok maju pre nas aspon nejaku nahradu... ... g-legends/
The Top Gear Christmas Special won’t be on this Christmas – we’re saving it for 2013
BBC Two is kicking off a new series called Racing Legends, and it has many, many cars – and the loons that drove them properly – in it.
Plus odkaz od Mr. May :) ... 2012-12-24
Konzerva od sardiniek s LSD
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Registrován: pon 07 úno 22:52

Re: Top Gear talk

Příspěvek od acer.t »

KFL píše:
acer.t píše:btw: v Praze by se měl otevřít ofiko Top Gear bar, podle neověřených informací tu byl v týdnu Jeremy Clarkson doladit detaily ;) ale zda je to pravda kdo ví... :D
Top Beer? :)

Nee bývalý mazaný králík
Bond007 píše:
premyslel jsem co uprimneho napsat... vyslo mi - jste vazne kurvy ;-)
PJ o 1M:
Na rovinkách jako by se ji nelíbilo, do zatáček se ale pokládá ochotněji než dámy z E55 do postele.
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Re: Top Gear talk

Příspěvek od Snowman000 »

Tak a je to tu...zacali sa predavat listky na TG...prve natacanie bude 23.1., co znamena, ze prva cast bude 27.1. :x
Spolu ich tam ale je len 5 tak snad v tom nie je zaratany TG Special... :-\ ... 2205&bid=1
Konzerva od sardiniek s LSD
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Registrován: pát 21 říj 10:05

Re: Top Gear talk

Příspěvek od KFL »

Ja listky objednaval uz 3 tydny zpet, je to otevreny uz dlouho. Jako tradicne predpokladam, ze me nevyberou :).
"Speed hasn't killed anyone. Sudden stopping, that's what gets you." - Jeremy Clarkson