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Help - Hilfe

Příspěvek od c51mahe »

Hallo dear people,
I am Austrian and I want to buy a new car (VW Polo or Golf) in your country...
Need a little help about car-business in CZ.
Is it possible to get discount on a brand new car if it is on stock or also if the car-dealer has to order it for you?
In Austria or also Germany you get about 8-14% discount....

Thanks for any help

ich bin Österreicher und möchte ein Auto (VW Polo oder Golf) in CZ kaufen.
Aber ich brauche bitte Informationen über das Geschäft in CZ.
Bekommt man als Käufer Rabatt (discount) wenn man eine ganz neues Auto kauft?
In Österreich oder Deutschland man bekommt 8-14% Rabatt....

Danke für Ihre Hilfe
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Re: Help - Hilfe

Příspěvek od pavproch »

As it comes to the VW cars, you may count on 8 to 12% (depends on configuration and availability) off for sure, if you hit some long-term stock invetory you even can negotiate as much as 18 to 20% off), it needs being a bit adamant only. And a fluent Czech, though...
Nejhezčí pohled na 100vježatou je ve zpětném zrcátku.
Příspěvky: 2
Registrován: pon 12 led 20:12

Re: Help - Hilfe

Příspěvek od c51mahe »

Thank you for info...
A friend of mine is Czech, but she has no idea about buying cars, so she don't know what to do to get best price....
its a pitty....
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Re: Help - Hilfe

Příspěvek od mmira »

it's just like buying rolls, you tell her.

I think you can do a simple search for cars you would be interested in, write a request, have her translate it and send it over the email to dealers. Wait for offers to arrive and try to push a little more.
V12 + H6 + V6d + R6t + R4t + R4t + R4 + R4 na dvou